
A RESTful interface for GTFS data.

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Rules for making connections at transfer points between routes.

Trip planners normally calculate transfer points based on the relative proximity of stops in each route. For potentially ambiguous stop pairs, or transfers where you want to specify a particular choice, use transfers.txt to define additional rules for making connections between routes.


from_stop_id (required)

The from_stop_id field contains a stop ID that identifies a stop or station where a connection between routes begins. Stop IDs are referenced from the stops.txt file. If the stop ID refers to a station that contains multiple stops, this transfer rule applies to all stops in that station.

to_stop_id (required)

The to_stop_id field contains a stop ID that identifies a stop or station where a connection between routes ends. Stop IDs are referenced from the stops.txt file. If the stop ID refers to a station that contains multiple stops, this transfer rule applies to all stops in that station.

transfer_type (required)

The transfer_type field specifies the type of connection for the specified (from_stop_id, to_stop_id) pair. Valid values for this field are:


When a connection between routes requires an amount of time between arrival and departure (transfer_type=2), the min_transfer_time field defines the amount of time that must be available in an itinerary to permit a transfer between routes at these stops. The min_transfer_time must be sufficient to permit a typical rider to move between the two stops, including buffer time to allow for schedule variance on each route.

The min_transfer_time value must be entered in seconds, and must be a non-negative integer.